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Followership Webinar by Our Chair-Elect Sharna Fabiano

  • 1.  Followership Webinar by Our Chair-Elect Sharna Fabiano

    Posted 09 Mar, 2022 12:45
    Dear Followership Community,

    I am glad to inform you that our Chair-Elect Sharna Fabiano, will be speaking in a webinar session of Art and Leadership member community. This will be a great opportunity for our community to learn about Sharna's work that is known internationally. Below is the invitation shared by the Art and Leadership community for your information. Looking forward to seeing you at this great session. 

    "Please mark your calendars for
    March 10, 2022, from 11-12 noon ET US for Sharna Fabiano's exciting session. Here are the details!"

     Dance of Leadership & Followership
    with Sharna Fabiano
    In this experiential learning session, Sharna shares her perspective on the interdependence of leading and following as it is expressed in the practice of tango dance improvisation. After a brief introduction, you'll try on both leading and following roles in a series of movement exercises and guided conversations, all from the comfort of your Zoom chair! Please plan to have your video camera turned on for this session, and have paper and pen handy.
    Sharna Fabiano is an internationally recognized tango artist, certified coach, and author of Lead & Follow: The Dance of Inspired Teamwork. She brings a deep understanding of the leader/follower dynamic from social dance into the professional sphere to help individuals and teams collaborate more successfully. She is currently Chair-Elect of the ILA Followership Member Community.
    Look forward to seeing you!

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