Hello Everyone,
I'm posting this request for a colleague who would like to include followership in an Introduction to Leadership course. Contact information below:
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We are looking for pre-recorded guest speaker(s) to share their ideas about being a follower and the importance of it to leadership. In developing an updated version of our Introduction to Leadership course, we want to add ideas around being a follower. One option is if someone wants to take on the entire 4-5 minutes that would be great. Another option, suggested by one of our members, is that many people create a 20-30 second clip about their ideas around the topic and he would then produce a combined video for us.
Please contact Brent Scholar (bscholar@asu.edu) with your interest and option by May 15.
Sharna Fabiano
Coach & Educator
Author of Lead & Follow: The Dance of Inspired Teamwork
Chair-Elect, Followership MC