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2/17 - Free Webinar: "The Courage to Support" with Janice Shack-Marquez

  • 1.  2/17 - Free Webinar: "The Courage to Support" with Janice Shack-Marquez

    Posted 10 Feb, 2022 21:09
    This month the Teaching Followers Courage* community presents a free webinar with Janice Shack-Marquez. Janice will be sharing her insights around the Courage to Support – as articulated by Ira Chaleff in The Courageous Follower. She'll offer practical suggestions on how to exercise power and influence from the followership role – in particular from the #2 position, and how self-advocacy can co-exist harmoniously alongside supportive followership.

    Janice began her 30-year career at the Federal Reserve in Washington, D.C. as a research economist, then became a manager and then moved into the executive ranks. Over that time, she has devoted herself to learning how people communicate and now specializes in coaching people who are moving into new management and leadership roles for the first time, helping them develop the skills both to manage themselves and to manage up, down and sideways with confidence.  Since retiring from the Fed in 2015, Janice has taught and coached at George Washington University, the University of Maryland and for several federal agencies.

    Please join us on Thursday, Feb. 17 at 9am US EST:

    *Teaching Followers Courage is a community of scholars and practitioners who have completed a training in Courageous Followership or who are actively including principles of courageous followership in their own professional work. More information at

    Sharna Fabiano
    Coach & Educator
    Long Beach CA