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FREE Webinar: Evaluating Followership Awareness Among Florida High Schools' National FFA

  • 1.  FREE Webinar: Evaluating Followership Awareness Among Florida High Schools' National FFA

    Posted 06 Sep, 2022 15:36
    Teaching Followers Courage invites you to join a free webinar at 8pm EST on the evening of Sunday Sept. 22, 2022

    In this month's session, Dr. Julian BorneSmothers will share her research which examined that although respondents strongly perceived followership skills, they were unfamiliar with the term. Some respondents alluded to an opportunity to learn followership skills. One way to share/promote followership with students was to establish a student organization on campus and use agriculture to encourage the leadership process. Our Motto - Built with Students for Students!

    About the Presenter
    Julian L. BourneSmothers is a native of Jamaica. She earned her Ph.D. in Educational Leadership from Florida Agricultural and Mechanical University (FAMU), where her research focused on evaluating followership in youth leadership training provided by the National FFA Organization. With her discovery of the term followership, she intends to use followership as the new approach to training youth leaders for the 21st century. She has taken the initiative to be trained as a trainer in sharing the courageous follower's unique purpose. Her next step is to become a scholar and advocate for intelligent disobedience.

    Zoom link:

    Sharna Fabiano
    Coach & Educator
    Author of Lead & Follow: The Dance of Inspired Teamwork
    Chair-Elect, Followership MC