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Global Followership Conference (GFC)

  • 1.  Global Followership Conference (GFC)

    Posted 30 Mar, 2023 22:02

    Good evening,

    This past weekend I attended the GFC at Christopher Newton University (CNU). I had a wonderful time!  The sessions were well developed by the presenters for the sessions I attended. I was moved with how the attendees and conferenc planners were approachable, transparent, and extremely helpful. I had meaningful followership and leadership conversations with thought leaders that I have cited and referenced in my own research. And, last, but not least, I am excited by the new relationships and old relationships that have become even more solidified. 

    My thanks to ILA, CNU, and the Followership community for a job well done.  I am looking forward to attending and presenting at GFC 2024!

    Peace and love,

    Dr. Robert (Bob) Cruz
    CEO, BEC Global Consulting Group
    Deland, FL
    Cell: (386) 747-3889

    Robert Cruz
    Also, Executive Assistant for the COO and CFO
    True Health - Deland FL