Hello Everyone,
Greetings and Holiday wishes from the incoming 2023 Followership Member Community leadership team! Many thanks to outgoing Past-Chair, Wendy Edmonds, and a warm welcome to incoming Chair-Elect Eric Kaufman. We hope that you are still interested in Followership and are excited to participate in educational events with us in the coming year.
We will be hosting our annual meeting on January 11, 2023, at 12:00 pm US EST (see Zoom invitation below). Here's our agenda for this year's meeting:
- Welcome to new members
- Summary of recent community activities
- Updates on the Global Followership Conference the weekend of March 24-26, 2023
- Plans for the Followership conference stream at the ILA 2023 Annual Conference
- 2023 volunteer opportunities including webinars, discussion groups, proposal reviewing, and more - ideas welcome!
Scroll down for a zoom invitation to join the meeting on Wednesday, January 11, 2023 at 12pm US EST
We look forward to seeing you there!
Sharna Fabiano, Chair
Abdurrahim Hocagil, Past-Chair
Eric Kaufman, Chair-Elect
Topic: Followership MC Annual Meeting
Time: Jan 11, 2023 09:00 AM Pacific Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 865 6330 8611
Passcode: 710976
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Meeting ID: 865 6330 8611
Passcode: 710976
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Sharna Fabiano
Coach & Educator
Author of Lead & Follow: The Dance of Inspired Teamwork
Chair-Elect, Followership MC