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Looking for Supervisor to Initiate Research fellowship

  • 1.  Looking for Supervisor to Initiate Research fellowship

    Posted 10 Mar, 2023 11:10


    My name is Wajeeha Ghias, Lecturer at National Defence University Islamabad Pakistan . 

    I am currently enrolled as PhD scholar in the Department of Management Science National University of Modern Languages(NUML) Islamabad Pakistan. After having completed my mandatory course work and comprehensive exam, I have been writing a proposal for  my dissertation titled as; "DETERMINANTS AND CONSEQUENCES OF COURAGEOUS FOLLOWERSHIP ROLE OF AUTHENTIC LEADERSHIP". My M.Phil Dissertation  in 2014 title  was" An empirical Investigation of Courageous Followership and Exemplary Leadership Practices. A comparative Analysis of Public Private sector managers in Pakistan".

    Luckily, I can avail fully-funded fellowship (covering complete costs for the student and also remuneration for the foreign supervisor) provided by Higher Education Commission (HEC) –  higher education regulatory body in Pakistan, under International Research Support Initiative Program (IRSIP). 

    Under this program, HEC is offering a maximum of 'six months' research fellowship abroad to full time PhD students enrolled in Pakistan for enhancing their research capabilities.

    I can apply for a fellowship in which i intend to join foreign University by  September 2023/Feb 2024,but initially I need to find a Foreign  Supervisor from a Top 200 Time Higher Education ranked University in my area of interest to learn and expand my knowledge. University and Supervisor will be awarded Bench fee 3500 US  Dollars from HEC.

    I want to know availability and willingness of  Professor or Assistant Professor to accept me as researcher in  lab.  I need an invitation letter from a professor to initiate my fellowship case at Higher Education Commission Pakistan

    I will be grateful if some one can guide me to right connection .

    Wajeeha Ghias
    Leadership and Management Studies National Defence University, Pakistan