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New podcast episode: Taking Ourselves Less Seriously

  • 1.  New podcast episode: Taking Ourselves Less Seriously

    Posted 30 Mar, 2023 20:59

    This week on the Lead & Follow podcast, I speak with Dr. Yolonda Tonette Sanders, who shares her research on connections between followers' emotional intelligence and their followership styles, and what this means for leaders in organizations of all kinds.

    It's a wonderful conversation and I hope you'll find a moment to enjoy it! 

    Dr. Sanders is an Ohio native, co-founder of Traction, an organizational change consulting company, and of the Faith and Fellowship Book Festival. She is also the author of six novels! Upon graduating from high school, Yolonda moved to Columbus, Ohio to attend Capital University where she earned a Bachelor of Arts in Criminology and another in Political Science. She continued her education at The Ohio State University, receiving a Master of Arts in Sociology. Yolonda used her education and relational skills to write, publish, teach in higher education, and serve in various leadership capacities, including that of CEO, board member, and program director. Most recently, she received a Doctor of Philosophy degree in Organizational Leadership from Indiana Wesleyan University. She enjoys spending time with loved ones and engaging in endeavors that enhance her personal and spiritual growth and that of others. 

    This episode is Part 3 of a 3-part series on Indiana Wesleyan, so please do go back and listen to Parts 1 and 2.

    "If you look at the characteristics of ideal followers, they have characteristics of people with high emotional intelligence."

    "Organizations should do more to build followership and teach that it's ok to speak up and ask questions."

    "I do try to cultivate environments where people are not afraid to challenge me because I am not always right." 

    "We as leaders have to realize that sometimes other people have better ideas. We don't have all the answers."

    Sharna Fabiano
    Author of Lead & Follow: The Dance of Inspired Teamwork
    Host of the Lead & Follow podcast
    2023 Chair, Followership MC