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Preparing Courageous Followers for Military Health Care

  • 1.  Preparing Courageous Followers for Military Health Care

    Posted 15 Aug, 2022 20:00
    Please join Teaching Followers Courage for a FREE community webinar this Thursday, 18th August at 9am US EST.

    This month, we welcome featured presenter Neil E. Grunberg, Professor of Military & Emergency Medicine, who will share his experience preparing courageous followers in the context of military health care.

    Courageous followership may be perceived to be a contradiction or an enigma. It is critical to understand and to be prepared to practice courageous followership, especially in situations which involve existential consequences. Because courageous followership is rarely one's dominant response, it is particularly difficult to practice under stress and in situations that involve volatility, uncertainty, complexity, and ambiguity (VUCA). Health care and military are two professions in which the consequences are existential and the situations often are stressful and VUCA. Therefore, military health care professionals must be prepared to be courageous followers. Yet, each of these professions involves clearly established chains of command in which "leading up" is difficult if not impossible. The present discussion will describe a three dimensional approach to follower type (based on engagement of followers; alignment with leaders; and adaptation to context) and how this information is used to educate and develop medical students and advanced practice nurses at the Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences, Bethesda, Maryland, USA.

    Neil E. Grunberg, Ph.D., is Professor of Military & Emergency Medicine, Medical & Clinical Psychology, and Neuroscience in the Uniformed Services University (USU) School of Medicine; Professor in the USU Graduate School of Nursing; and Director of Research and Development in the USU Leader and Leadership Education and Development (LEAD) program, Bethesda, Maryland. He is a medical psychologist, social psychologist, and behavioral neuroscientist. Dr. Grunberg earned baccalaureate degrees in Medical Microbiology and Psychology from Stanford University (1975); M.A. (1977), M.Phil. (1979), and Ph.D. (1980) degrees in Physiological Psychology and Social Psychology from Columbia University; and completed doctoral training in Pharmacology at Columbia University's College of Physicians & Surgeons (1976-79). He has been educating physicians, psychologists, and nurses for the Armed Forces and Public Health Service and scientists for research and academic positions since 1979. He has published 220 papers addressing behavioral medicine, drug use, stress, traumatic brain injury, and leadership. He has been recognized for his professional contributions by awards from the American Psychological Association, Centers for Disease Control & Prevention, Food & Drug Administration, National Cancer Institute, Society for Behavioral Medicine, US Surgeon General, and Uniformed Services University. In 2015, Dr. Grunberg was selected to be a Presidential Leadership Scholar. He is a co-founder of the Healthcare Leadership Community of the International Leadership Association and a co-author of Innovative Leadership for Health Care (2021).

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    Sharna Fabiano
    Coach & Educator
    Author of Lead & Follow: The Dance of Inspired Teamwork
    Chair-Elect, Followership MC