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Seeking Participants - An exploration of non-leader staff perceptions of meaningful interactions with leaders in municipal government.

  • 1.  Seeking Participants - An exploration of non-leader staff perceptions of meaningful interactions with leaders in municipal government.

    Posted 19 Apr, 2023 14:58

    Seeking Participants for a Study on Local Government (Staff)

    An exploration of non-leader staff perceptions of meaningful interactions with leaders in municipal government.

    Study Purpose:  Explore meaningful interactions between local government staff and leadership from the staff's perspective.

    The researcher (Brigette Collins) was born and raised in Hampton, Virginia, and worked in local government for 15 years. Her educational background includes attending Saint Leo University, where she received an MBA- Accounting (2015). She studies leadership and change at Antioch University, received her master's (Leadership and Change, 2021), and is now pursuing her Ph.D. Her passion for local government relational leadership has led her to focus on the perspective of staff in local government.

    If you meet the following requirements and would be interested, the value of your experience may bring perspectives to the study. To learn more about the study or if you have questions, Brigette is more than happy to hear from you; her email address is

    Participant criteria

    ·     You work for a municipality in the United States and do not have direct reports.

    ·         You have worked in local government for at least two years or more.

    ·         You have no prior relationship with the researcher


    ·         Confidentiality: This study follows ethical practices, including the importance of participant confidentiality. The researcher is more than willing to discuss the study's process and steps before moving further into the interviewing process.

    You will be asked to: Participate in an interview lasting up to 60 minutes. This interview will be confidential and conducted on Zoom or some other video conferencing platform. Participation is voluntary, and you may decline to answer any question or withdraw from the study at any point.

    Contact Brigette at the following email address if you have questions.

    Brigette Collins
    PhD Student -
    Antioch University
    Newport News VA