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  • 1.  The Courageous Follower - discussion questions

    Posted 02 Jan, 2023 14:55
    Happy New Year fellow followers:

    Last semester, I asked students at the end of the semester that were enrolled in my Business Ethics class, what do they see as the biggest challenge as they enter the work force. The most popular answer (unpropped) by far was being able to stand up when seeing something they do not believe is right.  As a result, I have added Ira's book, The Courageous Follower" to the list of required texts.  I am looking for tips/suggestions for anyone that has used this book in a college course.  I am also looking for some discussion questions that have been used and seem to generate great discussion.  Looking for ways to ensure students have read prior to discussion. Any assistance is greatly appreciated. 

    PS - I have been asked to give one of the keynotes at a leadership conference later this month with over 1300 attendees on the topic.  Thanks to all of your great work, the word is getting out.

    Donald Kudek
    Associate Professor & Department Chair
    Wisconsin Lutheran College
    Milwaukee WI

  • 2.  RE: The Courageous Follower - discussion questions

    Posted 03 Jan, 2023 10:18
    Applauds for asking the question, but your students' replies suggest some deeper consideration.  Hitler did what he thought was right, as did Al Capone and the Popes who ordered up the Crusades. It seems insufficient to rely solely on what an individual regards as right or wrong. My Jesuit training said that obeying one's conscience rules above all else -- but that comes with deep ongoing consideration of ensuring that the individual has a well-informed conscience.  The issue I would put to you and your students: how can you keep a "well-informed" conscience?  And what does "well informed" mean?  Are there standards?

    Jay Dewey
    Retired Independent School Headmaster
    Raleigh NC
    +1 551 206 1900