Featured Author Interviews
Ethical Leadership: A Primer
15 April 2019
JoAnn Barbour interviews editors Robert McManus, Alexandra Perry, and Stan Ward on their ethics textbook for leadership scholars and practitioners This wide-ranging interview covers behind-the-page tips on forming a cohesive editorial team and voice for the volume as well as the book's structure and content, which presents basic ethical theories within a leadership context showing how they inform ethical decision making.
Professionalizing Leadership
13 September 2018
Dennis Roberts calls Barbara Kellerman’s new book Professionalizing Leadership, “a kick in the intellectual pants.” Read this dynamic conversation between Roberts, someone who spent his life working in leadership education, and Kellerman, leadership’s provocateur-in-chief.
Social Innovation and Democratic Leadership
17 May 2018
Trisha Teig interviews Sonia Ospina on her fascinating book with Marc Parés and Joan Subirats, Social Innovation and Democratic Leadership: Communities and Social Change From Below. The book looks at social innovations in two neighborhoods in New York City and two in Barcelona and comes to some intriguing conclusions regarding relational leadership and leadership as an emergent phenomenon.
Leadership and the Unmasking of Authenticity
12 April 2018
Read this behind-the-pages interview with Mark Menaldo and Brent Cusher on Leadership and the Unmasking of Authenticity. Find out James MacGregor Burns's role in the current obsession with authenticity in the US, why Cusher describes Socrates as a liar, and what's behind Nathan Harter's chapter title, "Teaching Leadership Students to Lie." Links to Chapters 4&5, available exclusively to ILA members, are included.
Global Leadership: Research, Practice, and Development
1 March 2018
Dive into the topic of global leadership in this behind-the-pages interview with three of the seven co-editors of the 3rd edition of Global Leadership: Research, Practice, and Development. What do the authors mean by big Global, big "G" leadership? As editors, how do they decide when to include new chapters and when to come out with a new edition? What advice can they share on future directions of the field and where researchers should be concentrating their efforts? Discover the answers to these questions and more!
Creating Organizational Value through Dialogical Leadership: Boiling Rice in Still Water
14 December 2017
Explore the concept of dialogical leadership in this interview with author Rens van Loon. Ponder what Rens terms "Phenomenon 34C" and consider where you, yourself, may have resisted even considering what else might be possible when working through a difficult problem. FDiscover the leadership takeaway of the book's subtitle, Boiling Rice in Still Water and download the Foreword and Chapter 3 for a deeper dive.
Leadership: Perspectives From the Front Line
16 November 2017
Lize Booysen, co-chair of ILA's upcoming conference in Pretoria, South Africa, interviews Theo Veldsman and Andrew Johnson on their book, Leadership: Perspectives From the Frontline. Written within a South African context at the intersection of theory and practice, discover the book's comprehensive meta-structure of the strategic leadership value chain, and why they prefer leadership to leader and VICASS to VUCA
Peace Leadership: The Quest for Connectedness
12 October 2017
Amanuel Melles, Co-Convener of ILA's Peace Leadership Affinity Group, interviews Stan Amaladas and Sean Byrne on their new book, Peace Leadership: The Quest for Connectedness.
Leadership Results: How to Create Adaptive Leaders and High-Performing Organisations for an Uncertain World
24 August 2017
Organizations invest billions of dollars into leadership development, but they aren't getting the results they're looking for. In this behind-the-pages interview with Sebastian Salicru, learn more about his recent book Leadership Results and its unique balance of narrative, research, real cases from around the world, and short stories. With 37 endorsements from some of the world's most respected leadership gurus, this book addresses the deficiencies of current leadership models head on.
Madness and Leadership
27 July 2017
What role does paranoia play in leadership emergence and followership? Read this provocative behind-the-pages interview with noted neuroscientist Savvas Papacostas on his book Madness and Leadership. "If I had read this book before the election, I would have predicted that Trump would win," notes interviewer Ted Thomas.
Discourse on Leadership: A Critical Appraisal
29 June 2017
Did Lee Iacocca inspire Burns's Leadership? What's the connection between Frederick Jackson Turner’s 1893 frontier thesis of American democracy and leadership discourse? Dive into this behind-the-pages conversation with Bert Spector, author of Discourse on Leadership: A Critical Appraisal and find out. ILA members can download Chapter 4 of Bert's book.

Leadership Theory: Cultivating Critical Perspectives
27 April 2017
Dive into this behind-the-pages conversation with John Dugan, author of Leadership Theory: Cultivating Critical Perspectives. Field tested by undergraduates, master's, and doctoral-level students, this book and its accompanying Facilitator's Guide may just become one of your go to classroom texts on critical leadership theory.

Angela Merkel: Europe's Most Influential Leader
23 March 2017
Dive into this behind-the-pages conversation with Matthew Qvortrup, author of Angela Merkel: Europe's Most Influential Leader. What makes Merkel tick and what does merkeln mean? How did Merkel prep for her meeting with Donald Trump and what was her thinking behind Germany's response to the refugee crisis? Find out the answers to these questions and more. Login using your ILA member credentials to access.

Leadership: Essential Writings by Our Greatest Thinkers (A Norton Anthology)
12 January 2017
Dive into this behind-the-pages conversation between editor Elizabeth Samet and guest interviewer JoAnn Danelo Barbour on Samet’s Norton Anthology, LEADERSHIP: Essential Writings by Our Greatest Thinkers. Download an excerpt from the book and learn how to request a review copy. Login using your ILA member credentials to access.
*Articles in the Featured Author Interviews series prior to 2017 may be found in the Member Connector archive
or the Author Interview Library .*