Global & Culturally Diverse Leadership in the 21st Century Column
Lessons and Virtues of Reluctant Leadership
4 November 2021
This month's Global & Culturally Diverse Leadership column falls squarely at the intersection of practice and theory. In part one, College President Dr. Christopher Ames reflects on his overnight transition from English Professor to full-time "untrained" college administrator and the leadership lessons he accrued along the way. Then, in their epilogue, "Reflections on The Lessons and Virtues of Reluctant Leadership" column editors Dr. Antonio Jimenez Luque, Dr. Gayle Skawen:nio Morse, and Dr. Joseph E. Trimble discuss the theory and research behind highly skilled reluctant leaders like Ames.
American Indian Leadership in Collectivist Contexts
30 June 2021
We live in a world where people immigrate for work or other reasons, students study abroad, and multinational companies have a presence in many divergent cultural contexts. In this article, part of our regular column on Global & Culturally Diverse Leadership in the 21st Century, Amoneeta Beckstein [Aniyunwiya] shares how an understanding of American Indian leadership values can help contribute to the application of multiculturally competent leadership, particularly in collectivist contexts.
Peace Leadership & Cultural Diversity
14 January 2021
"The combination of globalization and changing world demographics is producing conflicts worldwide. Leadership models and skills that can be applied toward achieving peace within and between nations are urgently needed." Antonio Jimenez-Luque and Joseph Trimble's delve into "Peace Leadership and Cultural Diversity: Considerations for Our Common Future" for ILA's Global & Culturally Diverse Leadership in the 21st Century column.
In Memory of Jean Lau Chin
30 June 2020
On 13 May 2020, the ILA lost a great warrior for leadership, equity, and diversity to COVID-19. Jean Lau Chin was the co-editor of ILA's 2017 book Global and Culturally Diverse Leaders and Leadership: New Dimensions and Challenges for Business, Education and Society as well as the co-editor of a regular column on Global & Culturally Diverse Leadership for this newsletter. In fact, one of the last articles Jean published was “Crisis Leadership During the Coronavirus Pandemic and Xenophobia,” which came out in the 26 March 2020 Interface newsletter. In this tribute, Jean's co-editor Joseph Trimble and colleague Josephine Tan describe Jean's legacy.
An Indigenous American Vision of Leadership
30 April 2020
Using a common American metaphor, Art Blume suggests that not only do many of today’s leaders have difficulty seeing the forest for the trees, many leaders have difficulty seeing how the trees and the forest are connected to the rest of the natural world through the air, the soil, and the water.
Crisis Leadership During the Coronavirus Pandemic and Xenophobia
26 March 2020
In this short thought-piece, Jean Lau Chin, co-editor of the column, shares her thoughts on how scapegoating becomes a prevalent phenomenon in times of crisis if we categorize people based on stereotypes, blame victims for their plight, and maintain an outgroup bias of negatively treating those perceived as different.
Immigration as a Leadership Crucible
17 January 2020
Despite the fact that nearly half of U.S. Fortune 500 companies were founded by immigrants or their children, immigrant leaders are rarely, if ever, mentioned in the leadership literature. Marco Aponte-Moreno explores immigration experiences of prominent leaders and looks at how they use the experience in their narratives of global leadership. The article is followed by an epilogue written by column editors Jean Lau Chin and Joseph E. Trimble.
Decolonial Leadership: From a Local and Hegemonic Paradigm Toward a Global and Intercultural Perspective of the Field
8 November 2019
Antonio Jimenez-Luque's "asks us to reexamine our mindsets toward decolonizing leadership" and move toward a new perspective that "values knowledges and epistemologies of critical thinkers from non-Western parts of the world and contributes to broadening the field of leadership toward a global and intercultural perspective." Column editors Joseph Trimble and Jean Lau Chin introduce the article.
Global & Culturally Diverse Leadership in the 21st Century
14 September 2019
Technological advances and greater mobility have created a growing demographic of diverse, global citizens. What do these changes mean for leadership? Will our future leaders reflect the cultural diversity of the people, organizations, and communities they lead? Jean Lau Chin and Joseph E. Trimble introduce a new Interface column which will explore these questions, share research findings from a network of international leadership scholars, contribute to understanding successful leadership in unique cultural settings, and capture the effectiveness diverse leadership can have in the world at large.