Newsletter Column
Global & Culturally Diverse Leadership in the 21st Century
Each month, column editors Jean Lau Chin and Joseph E. Trimble explore culturally diverse leadership. They will share research findings from a network of international leadership scholars, contribute to understanding successful leadership in unique cultural settings, and capture the effectiveness diverse leadership can have in the world at large.
Lessons and Virtues of Reluctant Leadership
This month's Global & Culturally Diverse Leadership column falls squarely at the intersection of practice and theory. In part one, College President Dr. Christopher Ames reflects on his overnight transition from English Professor to full-time "untrained" college administrator and the leadership lessons he accrued along the way. Then, in their epilogue, "Reflections on The Lessons and Virtues of Reluctant Leadership" column editors Dr. Antonio Jimenez Luque, Dr. Gayle Skawen:nio Morse, and Dr. Joseph E. Trimble discuss the theory and research behind highly skilled reluctant leaders like Ames.
View the Global & Culturally Diverse Archive or explore past issues of Interface.