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14 December 2017
Cover of Creating Organizational Value Through Dialogical Leadership
Behind-the-Pages Interview!

Explore the concept of dialogical leadership in this interview with author Rens van Loon. Ponder what Rens terms "Phenomenon 34C" and consider where you, yourself, may have resisted even considering what else might be possible when working through a difficult problem. FDiscover the leadership takeaway of the book's subtitle, Boiling Rice in Still Water and download the Foreword and Chapter 3 for a deeper dive.
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Photo of Martinella Dryburgh
PAUSE for Pedagogy

Martinella Dryburgh shares an experiential learning opportunity she created employing "Creative Placemaking and the Relational Leadership Model" to help students learn how they can be effective leaders through relationship-building. Read the article, then view the supplemental video interview with Martinella.
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Photo of Yonjoo Cho
Asian Women in Leadership

Yonjoo Cho and Gary N. McLean discuss the challenges and opportunities for the development of women's leadership in Asia. Based on their new book, Current Perspectives on Asian Women in Leadership, the two touch on the ways culture, religion, and other contexts impact female leadership in Asia and they share their own powerful vision for gender equality for men and women to pursue their passions, be they in the workplace or in the home.
Screen Cap of the very first issue of the Interface newsletter.
Interface Survey

ILA's Interface newsletter launched a year ago with the goal of communicating relevant and timely information in a format that allowed people to see — at a glance — the articles that would best support their own leadership work. We chose the name Interface to evoke those spaces and boundaries where our work touches each other's - where theory and practice meet, shake hands, and learn from one another. Tell us how we did this year and how we might improve Interface in 2018 with this short survey. P.S. Interface returns in January. Happy New Year!
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Leadership conferences, webinars, and publication opportunities, both ILA and member submitted, are available on our online calendar.
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Looking for a new opportunity? Visit our Leadership Jobs board. Looking to add a member to your team? Submit your own announcement.
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Click to Learn More About the volumes in ILA's Building Leadership Bridges series, published by Emerald Group Publishing - Sample Chapters, Ordering, Review Copies, and More!
The world needs better leadership and ILA's mission of promoting a deeper understanding of leadership knowledge and practice for the greater good aims to make a difference. Your membership contributes to more integrated leadership thinking, practices, and solutions that can positively impact our complex global and local environments. Learn more at www.ila-net.org.