August 10

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ILA Interface - The Newsletter of the International Leadership Association
9 August 2018
Fred Swaniker
New #ILA2018WPB Keynote!

ILA is pleased to announce Fred Swaniker as our third keynote speaker for the upcoming 20th anniversary global conference! Swaniker is founder and CEO of the African Leadership University, an innovative, pan African institution with a goal of producing 3 million transformative leaders and entrepreneurs for Africa by 2060.
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Bruce Jackson
PAUSE for Pedagogy

Read, "Charlie Life & Leadership Academy and The Emergence of Competency-Based Leadership Training Through eLearning With Digital Badging: What We’ve Learned So Far" from Bruce Jackson and then watch the video interview between Bruce and column editor Lisa Endersby. The article explores the academy's purpose, design, build, initial data, and current feedback in order to understand what’s working, the challenges, and the opportunities for use by students and leadership educators.
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Kayhan Irani
Developing Leadership Through Theatre in Afghanistan

Emmy-award winning writer and cultural activist Kayhan Irani takes the reader into her work developing grassroots leaders in Afghanistan using Theatre of the Oppressed methods and practices, while weathering the larger structural forces: war, political upheaval, and economic strife. The article contains an interlude from Irani's project assistant and trainee Saleh Sepas, an Afghan theatre-maker and grassroots human rights activist turned refugee and refugee advocate.
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Keynote Session at #ILA2018Lima
Videos from #ILA2018Lima

Exploring the Dilemmas of Leadership in Latin America concludes later today, but we've already posted keynote videos to Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn. Go social and listen to people making a leadership difference in Peru and around the world.
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Leadership conferences, webinars, and publication opportunities, both ILA and member submitted, are available on our online calendar.
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Looking for a new opportunity? Visit our Leadership Jobs board. Looking to add a member to your team? Submit your own announcement.
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Authentic Leadership for Progress, Peace & Prosperity - Register Today!
The world needs better leadership and ILA's mission of promoting a deeper understanding of leadership knowledge and practice for the greater good aims to make a difference. Your membership contributes to more integrated leadership thinking, practices, and solutions that can positively impact our complex global and local environments. Learn more at