Courageously Holding Space
ILA President & CEO Cynthia Cherrey reflects on ILA's role as a trusted space where leadership researchers, educators, and practitioners can come together and create our collective future. She begins by reflecting on Nancy Adler's Leading Beautifully Award presented to the ILA at the 2019 global conference in Ottawa. The article includes a 5-minute video of Adler, a leadership guru at McGill University and renowned artist, sharing the beautiful words she wrote to accompany the piece of art she created for ILA. |
Leadership Educator Development
In this PAUSE for Pedagogy article, Jay Rojas discusses professional development of leadership educators. The article builds upon recommendations made in the CACUSS Student Affairs and Services Competency Model by arguing that the leadership education community should create their own set of complementary competencies. Read the article, then watch the video interview with Jay and PAUSE co-editor Lisa Endersby. |
Guess the #ILA2020Global Keynote!
Do you know who this plenary speaker is? Going virtual has given us the opportunity to create SIX plenary sessions during the upcoming #ILA2020Global conference 5-9 November. Discover the world leaders and world-class scholars that will be taking the virtual plenary stage, then tell us your favorite on social media! Be sure to tag ILA and use #ILA2020Global. If you haven't registered yet, what are you waiting for? |
ILA's New Leadership Podcast
ILA has had the pleasure of working with podcaster Leonora Nicholson to produce some trial episodes of a new 10-minute ILA podcast. Check out the episodes with our first three guests: Margaret Heffernan, Barbara Kellerman, and Peter Northouse! |
U.S. Newspapers and the Holocaust
What did average Americans know about the Nazi persecution of Jews from 1933 to 1945? The United States Holocaust Memorial Museum initiated the museum's first nationwide citizen history project to find out. In this Grassroots Leadership and the Arts for Social Change Corner, USHMM's Eric Schmalz discusses the role students, including those in Corner editor Susan Erenrich's class at American University, played in answering this question, illustrating the ways students can genuinely make a difference while performing community service. |
Crisis or Change Leadership?
In ILA's latest blog post, Marlies Veestraeten (Neoma Business School, France) delves into the difference between crisis leadership, which often seeks to reestablish the status quo, and change leadership, which goes a step further by deconstructing what precipitated the crisis and instituting reform. Read her blog post, then check out other recent posts in ILA's blog, Leadership for the Greater Good: Reflections on Today's Challenges From Around the Globe |