Introducing ILA's 2021-2022 Fellows
The work of the International Leadership Association (ILA) is made possible by the power of our members’ curiosity, creativity, and desire to make an impact. Each year, we recognize a select group of expert members who have a desire to give back to the field of leadership as ILA Fellows. Fellows engage with ILA’s mission across sectors and disciplines to do worthy work at the intersection of leadership research and practice. Learn more about this year’s Fellows including the new Fellow roles of Executive in Residence and Scholar in Residence. |
Phronesis - Official Podcast of the ILA
The ILA is pleased to announce our new partnership with Scott J. Allen, host of Phronesis: Practical Wisdom for Leaders. Scott is "thrilled to partner with ILA to bring inspirational and thought-provoking content to people all over the globe." In honor of the 1-year anniversary of Phronesis and our new partnership, Scott recently interviewed ILA President Cynthia Cherrey - listen online and catch up with all of the past episodes.
SAVE THE DATE: To celebrate his new partnership with ILA, Scott will be releasing one episode each day for six days 3-8 May. These episodes feature conversations with the editors of several academic journals that publish research on leadership - The Leadership Quarterly, Journal of Management Education, Integral Review, Journal of Leadership Education, Leadership, and Journal of Character and Leader Development. Tune in and find out what’s on the mind of the editors of our leading journals!" |
Time for Leadership.
How does our perception of time influence our understanding of leaders and leadership, and how does a leader's experience of time impact their leadership practice? Read the latest blog from Keith Grint to find out. |
Lead & Follow: The Dance of Inspired Teamwork
As Sharna Fabiano writes in her new book, "A dance floor may seem an unlikely source of insight for those studying teamwork. However, a closer look at the community-based practice of Argentine tango social dance reveals deep embodied wisdom around the relational nature of leadership." In this behind-the-pages article, Sharna shares practical tips to increase connection, collaboration, and co-creation in your organization. |
LEA Goes Digital
Linnette Werner and Corey Seemiller discuss the process of reimagining ILA's Leadership Education Academy from an in-person event to a meaningful online retreat. They also share a little about their personal backgrounds and interests as well as what you can connect with them on should you decide to register and attend LEA later this year. |
PAUSE for Pedagogy
In this month's PAUSE for Pedagogy, "Our World, Our Leadership: Empowering Students to Co-Create Unique Peer Learning Experiences," Magdalena Goledzinowska shares insights on the design, delivery, and impact of two fully virtual co-curricular leadership development programs run by the Centennial Leadership Academy (CLA) at Centennial College in Toronto, Canada. |
Grassroots Leadership & the Arts for Social Change
In this issue of the Grassroots Leadership & the Arts for Social Change Corner, singer-songwriter Joe Jencks and corner editor Susan J. Erenrich discuss Jencks' cultural activism, his relationship with Si Kahn and Pete Seeger, the current political landscape, and his work with veterans. Read this transcript of their talk and listen along on Susie's podcast to enjoy Joe's music. |
Healthcare Leadership Conference
ILA's inaugural Healthcare Leadership conference is just two weeks away! Don't miss two days of in-depth discussion in four different streams: Personal Development; Team Development; Leadership Education and Development; and Organizational Leadership in Healthcare.
Each day starts with a keynote talk and includes poster sessions and networking breaks. In the stream breakouts, conversation leaders (panelists) will speak for about five minutes each, framing the discussion, and will then facilitate a rich dialogue among all participants.
Join in 17-18 May from 11:00-17:00 EDT. |
Submit to These Student Awards
Win $1,000 plus the opportunity to present at ILA's 23rd global conference. The deadline is just two weeks away!
Kenneth E. Clark Student Research Award Deadline: 15 MAY 2021, 5:00pm EDT Learn more
Fredric M. Jablin Doctoral Dissertation Award Deadline: 15 MAY 2021 Learn more |
What We Do Echoes Through Generations
In March we lost one of the founders of the International Leadership Association. Larraine Matusak, leadership thought leader and visionary. Larraine has left a legacy far beyond all of us - one that will echo through generations and decades to come. ILA president Cynthia Cherrey and others look back at Larraine's legacy in this article. After reading the article, check out Larraine's Leadership Legacy page and listen to an in-depth oral history that she gave back in 2015.
A memorial service is planned for 3 p.m. EDT on Saturday 1 May and will be livestreamed. It may be viewed at https://vimeo.com/530470567. |
Wolves or Unicorns?
Leaders of the countries with the greatest number of covid-19 deaths spent so much energy proclaiming fabular days are approaching that the opposite of a Wolf has arrived – the golden age of floW, a world where unicorns range freely, dispensing largesse at will to their entranced followers. Learn more in, "Wolves, Foxes, Unicorns, and Rhinoceroses: Reflecting on Leaders and Symbolic Animals." |